A blueprint designed for IC Workforces.
Each customer receives a unique plan for their business needs to ensure a smooth transition process for the business, their teams, and the their ICs every step of the way.

Detailed and consultative information-gathering processes to clearly identify what is most important to your business, key requirements and desired outcomes for success when it comes to managing independent contractors.
Identify pain points
Map business needs to system functionality
Plan for compliance
Create a project timeline
Provide a solution blueprint for acceptance
We design your workflows according to the agreed upon requirements captured in the Blueprint. This includes formatting and mapping all of your compliance documents for electronic signature, adding specified features and creating your custom onboarding and compliance management solution.
Solution build
Internal QA testing
Review & refine configuration
Beyond meeting the stated and documented requirements, we work closely with you and your stakeholders to validate the workflows and systems solutions.
User acceptance testing
Final configuration review
Solution acceptance
During this critical phase of getting our software platform into the hands of you and your ICs, we’ll walk you step-by-step through the milestones to ensure a successful deployment.
Equip client solution administrators
Deliver IC presentations and enrollment
Transition to success and settlement managers
Fund and disburse initial IC settlements
days to IC invites
days to IC settlement
net promoter score
ICs enrolled
Focused on Customer Experience.
Initial Kickoff Meeting
A 1-hour meeting with your Openforce Implementation team to review your customized workflow blueprint. We’ll also provide you with an email template, FAQs and an Openforce benefits flyer to send to your IC workforce.
Follow-Up IC Comms
We'll send a series of text messages and emails to your ICs to inform them about Openforce and prepare them for their upcoming enrollment.
Configuration Review
Approximately a week after kickoff, we'll review the system setup with you and agree on the IC enrollment workflows. You’ll want to include the same stakeholders from the kickoff meeting.
Enrollment Kickoff
We'll officially invite your ICs via email and text message with a direct link to complete their enrollment on the Openforce platform.
Initial IC Comms
We'll ask you to confirm that you’ve communicated the transition to Openforce with your ICs. Feel free to use the materials we’ve provided to you at the kickoff meeting as templates.
Daily IC Grid Management
You’ll need to be active in your Openforce Enrollment Grid on a daily basis at this point to avoid IC enrollment or settlement delays.
IC Enrollment Nudging
Everyday until your first settlement date, we’ll send friendly nudges to ICs via email and text message to help make certain ICs get enrolled, contracted and paid quickly.
Client Success Transition
Once all your initial ICs are onboard and receiving settlements, we'll then part ways as we transition you to your very own Client Success Manager and Settlement Services Representatives. Sad to say goodbye, but you’ll be in great hands!
Building IC Relationships
As soon as your ICs complete their enrollment, we'll send a series of email communications to show them around their Openforce portal as well as how to utilize the many money-saving benefits we make available to them.
Meet Our Implementation Team.

Jana Goodnight

Jessica Alegria
Project Manager

Carlie Ambler
Director, Professional Services