Mike Fiorito Board Member
Bringing 35 years of direct experience in courier, trucking, assembly, warehousing and local expedited delivery to Openforce, Mike Fiorito presents customers and prospects the ability to speak with someone who truly understands their business.
Mike’s previous experience includes serving as CEO of Urban Express, now part of XPO Logistics, and as the former Head of North American Operations for Shutl (now part of eBay Now). As a member of Openforce’s board, Mike will help companies address the challenges facing expedited delivery.
As a founder and manager of several successful delivery start-ups, Mike brings a unique perspective on Openforce’s customer needs and will be a significant resource to Openforce’s customers as they seek guidance to reduce cost and maximize efficiency of their operations. Leveraging decades of first-hand experience, Mike will use his knowledge of customers’ needs and desires to help them tailor the ideal solution to improve their independent contractor compliance, driver efficiency in their operations and allow companies to focus in driving revenue in their business.