The main difference between an independent contractor and an employee is their level of control and independence over their work.

An employee typically works for a single employer, is provided with training, tools, and equipment by the employer, and is subject to the employer’s supervision and control. Employees are generally paid a salary or hourly wage and receive benefits such as health insurance, paid time off, and retirement plans. Employers are responsible for paying payroll taxes and complying with employment laws and regulations.

In contrast, an independent contractor is self-employed and works for multiple clients. They are responsible for their own training, tools, and equipment and are generally free to work on their own schedule. Independent contractors are subject to a different level of supervision and control than employees. They are typically paid a flat fee or hourly rate for their services. They are responsible for paying their own taxes and are not entitled to employee benefits.

The distinction between independent contractors and employees is essential for legal and tax purposes, as different laws and regulations apply to each classification. Businesses must classify their workers to avoid legal and financial consequences correctly.